Writing plugin


The easiest way to start plugin development is to use dogebuild-plugin-tapa from tapas scaffold tool.

To install tapas run:

```shell script pip install tapas

To generate scaffold for dogebuild plugin run:

```shell script
tapas dogebuild-plugin

Creating class

First of all, create class that inherits DogePlugin class:

from dogebuild.plugins import DogePlugin

class MyPlugin(DogePlugin):

Defining name of plugin

To distinguish tasks with the same name from different plugins each plugin must have unique name. To define plugin name simply define NAME constant in plugin.

from dogebuild.plugins import DogePlugin

class MyPlugin(DogePlugin):
    NAME = 'my-plugin-name'

Plugin name must match [A-Za-z0-9_-]+ regexp.

Defining tasks

Create methods, that will be represents the tasks of your plugin:

from typing import Tuple, Dict
from dogebuild.plugins import DogePlugin

class MyPlugin(DogePlugin):
    NAME = 'my-plugin-name'

    def build_my_sources(self) -> Tuple[int, Dict]:
        # build sources
        exit_code = 0
        return exit_code, {'artifact-name': ['artifact-1-value', 'artifact-2-value']}

Methods may return tuple with return code and artifacts dictionary. If no values are returned method considered successful and without any artifacts. Keys are artifacts names and values are lists of artifacts values, usually values are path to files or directories.

Use artifacts in task

To use artifacts from dependencies or from previous task pass artifact name as function parameter:

from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
from pathlib import Path
from dogebuild.plugins import DogePlugin

class MyPlugin(DogePlugin):
    NAME = 'my-plugin-name'

    def generate_sources(self) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, List[Path]]]:
        file = Path('source')
        with open(file, 'w') as f:
            # write code to source file
        return 0, {'sources': [file]}

    def compile_sources(self, sources: List[Path]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, List[Path]]]:
        executable = Path('out.exe')
        compile(sources, executable)
        return 0, {'executable': [executable]}

Defining dependencies and phases

Dogebuild must know how to insert your tasks into build graph. To achieve that you must define all of your tasks dependencies and phases in __init__ method.

from typing import Tuple, Dict, List
from pathlib import Path
from dogebuild.plugins import DogePlugin

class MyPlugin(DogePlugin):
    NAME = 'my-plugin-name'

    def generate_sources(self) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, List[Path]]]:
        file = Path('source')
        with open(file, 'w') as f:
            # write code to source file
        return 0, {'sources': [file]}

    def compile_sources(self, sources: List[Path]) -> Tuple[int, Dict[str, List[Path]]]:
        executable = Path('out.exe')
        compile(sources, executable)
        return 0, {'executable': [executable]}

    def __init__(self):
        super(MyPlugin, self).__init__()

        self.add_task(self.generate_sources, phase="generate-sources")
        self.add_task(self.compile_sources, phase="compile", depends=["generate_sources"])

Do not forget to call super() method to init common parameters of plugins.